
About Us

The Cultural Association Ciukino born thanks to a group of friends who decide to share their skills and experience in a joint project at the center of which is placed the donkey. As the name suggests , in fact, Ciukino aims to give the right value to an animal , now forgotten , that for thousands of years has been at the side of man as a brother: a bond so strong that, ever since , has led the man to give him the typical person names .

The group, which includes multi-disciplinary professionals , united by love for donkeys and decided to enhance its numerous qualities , closely linked to the culture and traditions of Sicily, offers various activities with our friends donkeys  to adapt, from time to time, to the various users needs : onotherapy projects , Donkey Trekking , educational and recreational activities.


Ciukino Association
Via Martin Luther King, 3
94015 Piazza Armerina (EN) Sicily
Tel. +39 328 68 20 251

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